Application of pumps in industrial composting
Pumps, particularly the wobble ring pump, play an important role in industrial composting.

Die industrial composting includes a process for processing organic waste, in which it is converted into nutrient-rich compost. The composting process uses the natural decomposition of organic materials by microorganismsto convert waste into a stable and nutrient-rich soil conditioner. This process can take place in various ways, such as by using worms, fungi, or bacteria.
The meaning of composting This is because it represents a sustainable solution for the disposal of organic waste. If this waste is not handled properly, it can lead to environmental pollution, cause unpleasant odors and health problems. In addition, compost can be used as a natural fertilizer, reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers and thus protecting the environment.
Industrial composting pumps
What is the role of pumps in industrial composting technology?
Pumps, in particular the wobble ring pump, play an important role in the efficient processing of biowaste in industrial composting. Here are some specific tasks and functions that pumps can perform in this context:
- Pumping liquids: During composting process Liquids such as compost tea fractions or leachate can be produced. Pumps are used to move these fluids from one location to another. The wobble ring pump is known for its good suction capacity and pumping properties. This characteristic makes them a suitable choice for pumping liquids efficiently.
- Circulation of liquids: Uniform mixing and aeration of organic waste is crucial for successful composting. Pumps such as the wobble ring pump make it possible to circulate liquids through the composting process. This promotes oxygen supply and an even distribution of nutrients and microorganisms in compost.
- Dosing liquids: In some cases, it is necessary to incorporate certain liquids or additives into the composting process. This promotes biological activity or adjusts the pH value. Pumps, including the wobble ring pump, allow precise dosing of these substances. Thanks to its robust and reliable construction, the wobbling ring pump is ideal for precise dosing of liquids.
Die wobble ring pump is characterized by its self-priming and pulsation-free properties. This makes them particularly suitable for handling viscous liquids and abrasive media. In addition, it offers high reliability and ease of maintenance, resulting in a efficient and contributes to trouble-free processing of organic waste. You can find out more about this in our product brochures.
You have the option to flexibly rent or, of course, buy your ideal wobble ring pump version at short notice. We are happy to assist you disposition to create a solution tailored to their needs pump to find.
How does industrial composting work?
Industrial composting is a process that converts organic waste into compost on a large scale. The process involves controlling and speeding up the natural Decomposition process of organic materials. These can be food waste, garden waste, agricultural residues and the like. Here are the basic steps involved in industrial composting:
The collection and sorting take place first. Organic waste is collected from various sources, such as restaurants, supermarkets, farms, and horticultural centers. These are usually used in a sorting system checked and separated from non-compostable materials such as plastics, glass or metals.
The collected organic waste are now crushed to increase the surface area and speed up the decomposition process. This can be done with the help of shredders or similar machines.
The shredded organic waste is mixed with other materials such as wood chips, leaves, straw or other so-called structural materials. These materials help improve ventilation and moisture levels in compost heap to regulate and prevent the formation of lumps.
The mixture of organic waste and structural materials is piled up in large piles. These piles are turned over or turned regularly to ensure good ventilation and mixing. This promotes the breakdown of organic materials by microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and worms.
During the composting process, it is important to monitor and adjust the humidity and temperature in the compost heap. The compost should be moist enough to promote the decomposition process but not too wet to prevent rotting. The temperature in the compost heap rises due to the activity of microorganisms. In certain phases of the process, this can become very high. By turning the compost regularly, an even distribution of moisture and an optimal temperature are achieved.
After a few weeks or months, depending on the type of materials used and the process conditions, the compost is ripe. In this phase, most of the organic materials are broken down and the compost has a crumbly structure and an earthy smell. The compost is then sieved to remove coarser particles and obtain an even, fine-crumbly compost.
The finished compost can be used for various purposes. This includes, for example, soil improvement in agriculture, horticulture and landscape design. It is used as a natural fertilizer that soil fertility improved. It also supports the supply of nutrients and soil structure to plants and promotes water retention and aeration. The compost is used in fields, gardens, flower beds and lawns. It promotes plant growth and reduces chemical fertilizers. Industrial composting not only reduces waste, but also produces a valuable product that contributes to the sustainable management of soils and plants.

What does 100% biodegradable mean?
The term”100% biodegradable“is often used on products such as packaging or cleaning agents. It means that the product can be completely decomposed without harmful residues in the environment. Only natural processes are used, such as degradation by microorganisms. However, products marked as “100% biodegradable” should not simply be discarded in nature. They too must be broken down under certain conditions, such as temperature and humidity. It is important to ensure that these products are actually certified in order to minimize environmental impact.
What does 100% compostable mean?
The term “100% compostable” means that the material is completely and without harmful effects on the environmental can be introduced into a compost heap or a composting plant. It is usually made from natural materials such as wood, plant fibers or corn starch and does not contain any synthetic components. When broken down under the right conditions, the material becomes useful compost for soil improvement and plant growth. It is important to note that not all compostable materials are created equal. Only some can only be mined under certain conditions or in special plants. It is therefore important to read the manufacturer's instructions and ensure that the material is correctly disposed of. This is the only way to ensure maximum environmental compatibility.