wobble plate pump
Model TR015

for flow rates
of up to 6 m³/h

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wobble ring pump
Model TR030

for flow rates
of up to 12 m³/h

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wobble ring pump
Model TR080

for flow rates
of up to 30 m³/h

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Advanced technology

Continuous performance

industrial pumps by Pumpsystems fit right into our time: Thanks to their novel design, they set standards in flexibility and deliver their performance for a wide range of applications, media and space conditions. They are unrivalled easy to handle, easy and quick to clean and thus help to reduce costs. During the pumping process, the pumping media are only slightly stressed, even highly viscous and solid-laden or foaming media are gently conveyed.

And they do this with unparalleled performance values of up to 30,000 l/h, superior energy efficiency And an extremely Low-pulsation operation.

All of this is made possible by a genuine innovation: Our patented Wobble plate principle is the mature result of decades of development work (first US patent 1934, improved and reissued in 2015 and most recently in 2021) and combines many advantages of various other Displacement pump types in a single efficient design.

The wobble plate has already proved its worth in practice: The pumps we have installed are already doing their job reliably today. In a wide range of industries. For years, day after day.

Our pump
at a glance

  • industrial pump

  • self-priming positive displacement pump

  • Models TR015 — TR030 — TR080

  • for industrial production plants

  • flow rate up to 30,000 l/h

  • Delivery pressure up to 15 bar

  • Viscosities up to 1,000,000 mPa.s

  • wide variety of eligible media

  • Reversible conveying direction

  • Monitoring the pumping temperature

  • CIP-enabled

  • SIP-enabled

  • ATEX approval

  • FDA compliant

  • energy efficient

  • resource-saving

  • Low pulsation

  • flexible & space-saving installation

  • Disassembly and assembly in less than 10 minutes

  • reduced maintenance costs, long downtimes

  • Made in Germany, developed and manufactured in Ahorn near Coburg

  • matured technology

  • Pump chamber can be heated and cooled, by fluid or electrically

  • 1943 First patent in New York

  • Improved and renewed in 2015 through Pumpsystems

  • 2021 further improvement

Overview of our pump models

As standard, we have 3 different models of wobble plate pump in our product portfolio, whose technical details differ depending on the application. With this, we cover the usual industrial pumping applications in industry. If you have special requirements, you can individually configure a pump according to your requirements.

Frontale Abbildung der Industriepumpe mit geringer Pulsation.

Model TR015

Our entry-level model in the world of wobbling plate pumps. Reliable, durable and can be used anywhere. For small to medium-sized applications.

Technical detailsRequest a quote
Frontale Abbildung der Industriepumpe mit geringer Pulsation.

Model TR030

For all applications that require both power and flexible handling. Our powerful mid-range for medium to large applications.

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Frontale Abbildung der Industriepumpe mit geringer Pulsation.

Model TR080

The powerhouse from Pumpsystems. Combines all the advantages of our smaller models with tangible extra power. For large industrial applications.

Technical detailsRequest a quote

Model comparison

performance parameters

Model TR015

Model TR030

Model TR080

delivery pressure

up to 10 bar

up to 15 bar

up to 15 bar

Conveying capacity*

up to 6,000 l/h

up to 12,000 l/h

up to 30,000 l/h

engine power


5.5 kW

7.5 kW

* Viscosity 1 - 5 mPa.s

areas of application

Model TR015

Model TR030

Model TR080

pharmaceutical industry




tar industry




cosmetics industry




petroleum industry




dimensions, materials

Model TR015

Model TR030

Model TR080


diameter 150 mm

Length 316 mm (plus engine and transmission)

diameter 170 mm

Length 340 mm (plus engine and transmission)

diameter 210 mm

Length 440 mm (plus engine and transmission)


45 kg (incl. drive)

90 kg (including drive)

135 kg (incl. drive)

Pump head material




Wobble plate material

plastic or metal
(depending on the medium)

plastic or metal
(depending on the medium)

plastic or metal
(depending on the medium)

Conveyor rate characteristic

with medium water 18°C

Model TR015

Model TR030

Model TR080

Abbildung der Förderleistung von schwierigen Medien wie zum Beispiel Ölen, Lacken, Fettem, Dichtstoffen, Silikonen, Suspensionen oder Emulsionen.Abbildung der Förderleistung von hochviskosen Medien wie zum Beispiel Ölen, Lacken, Fettem, Dichtstoffen, Silikonen, Suspensionen oder Emulsionen.Abbildung der Förderleistung von viskosen Medien wie zum Beispiel Ölen, Lacken, Fettem, Dichtstoffen, Silikonen, Suspensionen oder Emulsionen.Hintergrund der Leistungswerte der Pumpsystems Industriepumpen.
Abbildung der Förderleistung von schwierigen Medien wie zum Beispiel Ölen, Lacken, Fettem, Dichtstoffen, Silikonen, Suspensionen oder Emulsionen.Abbildung der Förderleistung von hochviskosen Medien wie zum Beispiel Ölen, Lacken, Fettem, Dichtstoffen, Silikonen, Suspensionen oder Emulsionen.Abbildung der Förderleistung von viskosen Medien wie zum Beispiel Ölen, Lacken, Fettem, Dichtstoffen, Silikonen, Suspensionen oder Emulsionen.Hintergrund der Leistungswerte der Pump Systems Industriepumpen.
Conveyor rate characteristic

with medium water 18°C

Model TR015

Model TR030

Model TR80

Scrolldown-Pfeil zu den Pumpen für industrielle Anwendungen.
Abbildung der Förderleistung von schwierigen Medien wie zum Beispiel Ölen, Lacken, Fettem, Dichtstoffen, Silikonen, Suspensionen oder Emulsionen.Abbildung der Förderleistung von hochviskosen Medien wie zum Beispiel Ölen, Lacken, Fettem, Dichtstoffen, Silikonen, Suspensionen oder Emulsionen.Abbildung der Förderleistung von viskosen Medien wie zum Beispiel Ölen, Lacken, Fettem, Dichtstoffen, Silikonen, Suspensionen oder Emulsionen.

*The performance data is based on a Newtonian viscosity of around 1.00 mPa.s. Depending on the application, the motor cable is individually adjusted. Pumping water is only allowed with a suitable configuration or only after manufacturer approval.

The performance values represent theoretical values. They are based on Newtonian viscosities of around 1.00 mPa.s. Depending on the application, the motor power is individually adjusted.

standards and

Zertifikate für EG Verordnung 1935/2004, EU 10/2011, ATEX-Zulassung, EN 60204-1 ‍Elektrische

EC Regulation 1935/2004
The parts in contact with the product comply with the standard. Proof of the stainless steels in contact with the product is provided by certificates from the material manufacturers.

EU 10/2011
For all plastics and elastomers used, conformity is provided by manufacturers' certificates.

ATEX approval
CE (Ex) ll 2G Exh IIB TXGb
0°C < Ta < +40°C 
0°C < TM < 110 / 205 °C 

EN 60204-1
Electrical equipment of machines in accordance with Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC

Zertifikate für EG Verordnung 1935/2004, EU 10/2011, ATEX-Zulassung, EN 60204-1 ‍Elektrische
Darstellung von mit feststoffbeladener Medien wie zum Beispiel Ölen, Lacken, Fettem, Dichtstoffen, Silikonen, Suspensionen oder Emulsionen.

our pumps

Get in touch

For us, flexibility not only refers to installation, areas of application and our individual adjustments, but also to your desired operating model. Whether you want to buy or rent — the choice is yours.

To check whether our wobble plate pump fits your requirements perfectly, we offer you the opportunity to choose from our pool rental pumps select the appropriate model. After delivery at short notice, you can then carry out pumping tests directly on site with our industrial pumps carry out.

Get in touch
Pump Systems Pumpenmodelle zum Pumpen von Stoffen und Flüssigkeiten in der Gegenüberstellung.
Aufbau der Pumpsystems Verdrängerpumpe mit Milchrohr Anschuss für industrielle Anwendungen.
Taumelringe der Pumpsystems Industriepumpe zum Fördern unterschiedlicher Medien und Flüssigkeiten.


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Hygienic-Design TRH028

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Hygienic-Design TRH028

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