out of passion

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out of passion

Get to know the people behind our wobble ring pump.

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Founded in 2014. With decades of experience

Based on the patented wobble plate principle An experienced design team developed the current positive displacement pump. With a motivated team, adjustments were carried out to the respective customer requirements in order to achieve optimal Funding services to achieve. With this knowledge and many years of experience, we are at your disposal as a sales and service team.

We know what's important

Bild von Bertram Rippl Vertrieb & Kundenservice Pumpsystems.

Bertram Rippl
Sales & customer service

tel.+49 9561 73347-81

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Bild von Catherine Beil Kaufmännische Abwicklung Pumpsystems.

Catherine Beil
Commercial processing

tel.+49 9561 73347-80

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Bild von Holger Schulte Geschäftsführung Pumpsystems.

Holger Schulte

tel.+49 9561 73347-82

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You can find us here

Pumpsystems GmbH
Triebsdorfer Weg 17
D 96482 maple

Pumpsystems GmbH Pumpen für industrielle Anwendungen. Standort Triebsdorfer Weg 17 Ahorn in Bayern.

industrial representation

Erich Rottmann Technik GmbH
Theodorstrasse 41 U
22761 Hamburg

tel. +49 40 401766-0

Responsible for zip code:
18 — 19,
20 - 29-North

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Industrievertretung Pumpensysteme von Pumpsystems in Hildesheim Niedersachsen zuständig für Niedersachsen, Schleswig-Holstein und Hamburg.

Lieseco UG
Am Mastberg 2
31367 Hildesheim

tel. +49 5121/58419

Responsible for zip code:
30 — 34,
37 - 39

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Industrievertretung Pumpensysteme von Pumpsystems in Friedrichsdorf Hessen zuständig für Hessen.

Ing. — Büro Kahl GmbH
Saalburgstraße 76
61381 Friedrichsdorf

tel. +49 6172 8971-0

Responsible for zip code:
35 — 36, 55 — 56, 60 — 69, 74,
76 000 — 76 359, 76 600 — 76 999,
97 800 - 97 999

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Industrievertretung Pumpensysteme von Pumpsystems in Remscheid Nordrhein-Westfalen zuständig für Nordrhein-Westfalen.

Industrievertretung IV-Säbel
Max-Planck-Straße 58
42897 Remscheid

tel. +49 2191 5680340

Responsible for zip code:
40 — 49,
50 - 54,
57 - 59

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Industrievertretung Pumpensysteme von Pumpsystems in Offenburg Baden-Württemberg.

bkr-technik GmbH
Kehlstrasse 59
77652 Offenburg

tel. +49 781 1379500

Responsible for zip code:
70 — 73, 75,
76 400 — 76 599,
77 — 79, 88 — 89

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JENTEC Industrievertretung GmbH
Rosenweg 1
07751 Jena

tel. +49 3641 462013

Responsible for zip code:
01 — 09, 10 — 11
12 — 17
98 — 99

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Industrievertretung Pumpensysteme von Pumpsystems in Ahorn Bayern zuständig für Bayern.

bkr-technik GmbH
Kehlstrasse 59
77652 Offenburg

tel. +49 781 1379500

Responsible for zip code:
0 - 87
90 - 96
97 000 — 97 799

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Industrievertretung Pumpensysteme von Pumpsystems in Almelo Netherlands zuständig für Benelux
(Niederlande, Belgien,

't Veld 16-7603 EC
Almelo, Nederland

tel. +31 546 633263

responsible for:
(The Netherlands, Belgium,

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Hechenergy e.V.
Preradovicgasse 5
8302 Sankt Marein near Graz, Austria

tel. +43 1 911 42 08

responsible for:

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Pumpsystems GmbH
Triebsdorfer Weg 17
D 96482 Ahorn

tel. +49 9561 7334781

responsible for:

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Talk to us!

We love short distances. This applies to our wobble plate pump, which only keeps contact between working parts and medium as short as necessary. It applies to our coordination between developers and technicians, which enables us to offer you completely individual solutions if required. And the following applies to our advice:

Feel free to contact us at any time at info (at) Give us a call or use the contact form. We are looking forward to your message!

Would you like an offer for a Pump for industrial applications , you can fill out the form and fill in all the requirements that you already know. We will process your request as quickly as possible and send you an offer.

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